Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Yuma Basic CyberCamp Schedule July 24-26

Basic CyberCamp Schedule
The camp will meet in second floor conference room at the Yuma CAP Hangar 3590 S, Fortuna Ave.
This venue has been updated from the original blog post. There were technical issues with the terminal conference room but we know the technology works at the hangar. Also, I made a typographical error and mis-stated the starting day as Wed. Aug.24th. The actual first day of the camp is Wed. July 24th. Please see the correction below.

Wed. July 24
0800       Welcome, introduction to cybersecurity.
                Ethics of cybersecurity
                How to defend yourself against hackers
                (There will be breaks about every hour)
1100       Cyber Jeopardy Game
1200       Lunch-Mexican Food Party Tray and soft drinks will be provided
1300       The basics of securing Windows 10.
                Workbook sessions with Windows 10 practice image
1700       Adjourn
Thursday July 25th
0800       Introduction to Ubuntu 16
1200       Lunch-Buffet at Pizza Hut-includes unlimited trips to pizza buffet, salad, drink
1300       The basics of securing Ubuntu 16
                Workbook session with Ubuntu 16 practice image
1700        Adjourn

Friday  July 26
0800       Explanation of practice competition
0830       Practice CyberPatriot Competition with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16 images
1200       Adjourn

New leadership of Aerospace Education at Yuma 508

Notice of Resignation

I have decided to resign as Aerospace Education Officer of the Yuma 508 Squadron. A number of factors contributed to this decision but I will not air those here. I have mostly enjoyed being an AEO for the last two and a half years. My accomplishments have been documented on these pages. It seems ironic to me that I have come to this point after the elation I felt after being awarded the CAP Southwest Regional AEO of the Year-Brewer Award at the wing conference in April. But life is full of changes and challenges. I plan to continue to coach our CyberPatriot team if there is enough participation by local cadets. I also envision development of an expansion of the CyberPatriot program into local high schools and middle schools and a collaboration with the University of Arizona branch in Yuma. That vision is just a twinge of twilight on the horizon at this point however. My posts here will be limited to significant developments with CyberPatriot. Keep checking in from time to time.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

TV history of Apollo 11

Not to be missed PBS TV program about the race for the Moon

PBS has produced an excellent 3 part, 6 hour series on the Apollo space program called "Chasing the Moon." The first installment was last night but it is not too late to watch the remaining 4 hours. Look for The American Experience on PBS programming. The final two episodes are tonight and tomorrow. Last night's show ended with the immediate aftermath of JFK's assassination and its effect on the US space program.