Yuma Squadron 508 Aerospace Links for March 2018
(Items with red stars have interesting videos or images.)
Giant storms on planet Neptune are diminishing as Hubble
Space Telescope watches
Mars rover Opportunity still going strong after 5,000 Mars
Problems with another Mars vehicle that has continued long
beyond its expected 2 year mission in 2005
Air Force Hackathon results
***Every squad in the US
Marine Corps will have a drone to use during military operations and training
***Use of Drones to study
marine mammals
How do they get that amazing video of SpaceX launches?
Amateur astronomer discovers remote supernova
***Another test firing of
NASA’s engine for SLS system reaches 113 percent designed thrust
***Flight of Airbus
autonomous flight vehicle capable of carrying human cargo
***Spectacular pictures of
Aurora Borealis taken by Russian photographer
Unusual drone takes to the air-twin engine, float plane, wt.
over 8,000 pounds, tail dragger
US strategy for space exploration remains controversial.
President Trump’s plan to defund the International Space Station could be
catastrophic for our leadership in space.
New type of rocket engine proposed to propel space craft to
Mars-Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
USAF plans leadership in plans to fight from space
Underseas drones a combat weapon of the future?
Photos show Mars moons
***New Hubble Telescope
images of an unusual irregular galaxy
***New infrared images of the
center of the Milky Way galaxy
***Video of Stratolaunch taxi
test of largest aircraft in the world
***Airbus-Vahana partnership
produces autonomous air taxi. Test flight to 16 feet.
Problems plague the James Webb telescope preparations making
further launch delays likely
***Preparations for Apollo
lunar mission begin with earth orbit check out of major systems
***Amazing images of Mars’
two moons released by NASA
Man-made lunar debris quite eclectic
***New Mars lander mission on
track for launch in May, delayed 2 years for instrument repair
***Drone video of Calif.,
Arizona, Utah
Stargazing in March. A treat for planet lovers.
Sand dunes and weird piles of rocks on Mars spotted by Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter
Malware attacks routers and is particularly difficult to
defend against
James Webb telescope to undergo a third round of tests
before integration with sun shield and final preparation before launch next
Cadets, you missed out 11MAR (except Decker and Prevatke who showed up along with myself and MSgt Dickerson) as we were allowed to sign our names on the Orion Test Capsule after they gave us a tour. They also handed out some info flyers and cool NASA decals. The last test drop in Yuma is this week. Thank you MSgt Dickerson for arranging this tour on short notice!