Friday, May 18, 2018

Alice Byrne Rocket Launch 2018

 CAP Squadron 508 Cadets Assist Alice Byrne Elementary School Rocket Launch Event May 17-18, 2018

Each day arrived with cloudless skies and light but variable winds out of the west. Alice Byrne fourth grade students arrived by bus at Contreras Field (a radio controlled airport facility operated by Yuma Aeromodelers) with brightly painted rockets ready for launch. Cadets from the Yuma 508 CAP composite squadron had prepped the field for rocket launch activities by setting up launch towers, launch controllers, safety equipment, and tables. Cadet master sergeant Burkart delivered masterful safety briefings as students listened with rapt attention.
We always have a safety briefing before an activity

Students listen closely

Teachers helped too
The fourth graders filed onto the field in pairs to launch their rockets. Their first task was to slip the rocket securely onto the launch tower. Next, the delicate step of clamping the two alligator clips over thin igniter wires was completed.

Alligator clips bite

Prepping for launch
Detailed instructions were then provided by cadets about the operation of the launch controllers. Safety keys were inserted after the launch range safely cleared.
One-on-one teaching

Getting ready for launch, insert safety key
Rockets poised for ignition
Students on the sidelines loudly counted down from five in traditional fashion for the launches. With a puff of smoke and a streak of flame each rocket shot skyward. When all went well, chutes deployed and rockets drifted gently back to earth to be recovered by racing CAP cadets.
Charge deploys the parachute at altitude

Graceful over-the-shoulder recovery

Racing for the catch; hazy desert backdrop
We witnessed a few exceptions in which rockets and parachutes separated in midair and flew separately back to earth.

Over the two days, there were no injuries. Over 60 rockets were launched safely. A good time was had by all. Families that attended had the opportunity to capture images of their budding rocket scientists at work. Everyone at squadron 508 hopes that we were able to stimulate wonder in the students about science and technology. Sergeant Dickerson and I want to thank the CAP cadets who took time off from their own studies to help make the event a success. We hope to assist in this event again next year.

1 comment:

  1. Great event and thanks to all Squadron 508 participants!!
