Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Aerospace Education Agenda for Wednesday February 27, 2019

AE Agenda for February 27, 2019

Goals/Want list
            2 cadets complete CyberPatriot Badge requirements this year
            Next year 508 CyberPatriot team advances to (Gold?) semi-final round
                        1 or 2 cadets to become Cisco/PacketTracer specialists
            10 cadets complete STEM Badge award requirements in 2019
                        (Who is working on their STEM Badge?)

1845  Announcements
            CP results
            Model Rocketry Launch Contreras Air Field Saturday April 6th
  Field Trip for Saturday April 13th- Palm Springs Air Museum

1900  Cadet Presentation-C/MSgt E. Curtis-Brief History of US Manned Space Program from Mercury to ISS

1920  Astronomy for February 2019

1930  Break

1940  PBS NOVA-Decoding the Weather Machine

2020  Adjourn

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Aerospace Education Links for February

Aerospace Educations Links February 2019

Massive storms on Jupiter captured by space probe Juno

Bright impact of a meteorite on the moon during lunar eclipse observed by a number of astronomers around the world. It turns out that observation of new impact craters on the moon is common

New image of Ultima Thule sent back to Earth from New horizons space craft

Effect of global warming on world polar bear population, a critically endangered large land mammal

***Melting glaciers, more evidence for global warming-significance of warming ocean temperatures in sea level rise

*****Multispectral composite images of the Spiral Galaxy yield new knowledge about the structure of a classic spiral galaxy

Boeing becomes investor in new supersonic business jet development program as principal developer Aerion shuffles finances

US manned space program dealt another series of delays. Both SpaceX and Boeing are subjecting their hardware and software to further testing leading up to unmanned test launches

Hubble Space Telescope spots what astronomers think is a huge storm around the north pole of Uranus-check out this impressive image.

Andromeda collision with Milky Way to occur later than originally predicted

Mars rover Opportunity has not been heard from since last June. Final commands have been sent to awaken the space craft that lasted longer and traveled farther than anyone ever imagined.

NASA presents roadmap for manned lunar missions in the next decade. The plan appears to be unreasonably optimistic considering the past performance of commercial ventures for manned space travel.

Hubble Space Telescope images show of high energy, rapidly moving plasma and an area rich in new star formation

 Neptune is swimming in moons as another’s presence is teased out of Hubble images

SpaceX and ULA continue to win government contracts to launch satellites into space

NASA probably expects further delays in manned space program due to ongoing issues with both the SpaceX and Boeing hardware development programs.

Israeli lunar lander hitches ride on a SpaceX launch vehicle

NASA clears SpaceX Dragon capsule, designed to carry astronauts into space, for launch to International Space Station as early as March 2. The first mission will be an unmanned cargo delivery and test flight.

*** Virgin Galactic carries first passenger into space as commercial space travel nears

New Horizons’ image shows unprecedented details of object at distant edge of our solar system

 *** = Video link