Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February Aerospace LinksAerospace Links February 2020 Huge satellite networks face regulatory review. Present risks for access to space in the future and present effectiveness of Earth based telescopes. After 4 spacewalks to repair the ailing sensor the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is back up and running on the International Space Station. Companies ponder how to safely deorbit or otherwise deal with defunct satellites as launches for commercial use rise exponentially. Bombardier may sell business jet operation to Textron’s Cessna. Female astronaut returns safely to earth after record-setting stay on the International Space Station. Advances announced by European Space Agency in deep space communications. Man develops scanning electron microscope in his home garage. NASA to send the microscope to the International Space Station possibly as early as this weekend. Infosec the challenges faced by JPL. (For information security geeks this is a very interesting article,) SpaceX getting very close to flying astronauts to the International Space Station. First manned mission in Crew Dragon capsule is scheduled for May 7th. President’s proposed budget has large requests to support future lunar mission and hardware development but cuts earth sciences and climate research. Crew Dragon Capsule for first manned mission to International Space Station has arrived at Cape Canaveral Proposals seeking funds for NASA interplanetary discovery missions Concern spreads among astronomers about the possible effects of cluster satellite constellations being deployed by commercial companies whose aim is to provide broadband internet coverage around the world. There are few if any regulations guarding the night sky. Planned satellites number in the thousands or more. Blue Origin opens new engine plant in Alabama. Plans to produce rocket engines for several anticipated projects. Possible binary black hole system studied by NASA satellites could signal merging of two galaxies. Mars InSight lander records quakes up to intensity 4 on Mars. Search for stronger quakes to continue another year. Binary star system changes its character every few years, a discovery from two NASA’s Chandra and National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array telescopes. Moon and Venus to appear close together in early evening sky on Thursday, February 27th. Katherine Johnson has died at 101. She was the real-life woman who was the inspiration for the movie Hidden Figures.

Aerospace Links February 2020

Huge satellite networks face regulatory review. Present risks for access to space in the future and present effectiveness of Earth based telescopes.

After 4 spacewalks to repair the ailing sensor the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is back up and running on the International Space Station.

Companies ponder how to safely deorbit or otherwise deal with defunct satellites as launches for commercial use rise exponentially.

Bombardier may sell business jet operation to Textron’s Cessna.

Female astronaut returns safely to earth after record-setting stay on the International Space Station.

Advances announced by European Space Agency in deep space communications.

Man develops scanning electron microscope in his home garage. NASA to send the microscope to the International Space Station possibly as early as this weekend.

Infosec the challenges faced by JPL. (For information security geeks this is a very interesting article,)

SpaceX getting very close to flying astronauts to the International Space Station. First manned mission in Crew Dragon capsule is scheduled for May 7th.

President’s proposed budget has large requests to support future lunar mission and hardware development but cuts earth sciences and climate research.

Crew Dragon Capsule for first manned mission to International Space Station has arrived at Cape Canaveral

Proposals seeking funds for NASA interplanetary discovery missions

Concern spreads among astronomers about the possible effects of cluster satellite constellations being deployed by commercial companies whose aim is to provide broadband internet coverage around the world. There are few if any regulations guarding the night sky. Planned satellites number in the thousands or more.

Blue Origin opens new engine plant in Alabama. Plans to produce rocket engines for several anticipated projects.

Possible binary black hole system studied by NASA satellites could signal merging of two galaxies.

Mars InSight lander records quakes up to intensity 4 on Mars. Search for stronger quakes to continue another year.

Binary star system changes its character every few years, a discovery from two NASA’s Chandra and National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array telescopes.

Moon and Venus to appear close together in early evening sky on Thursday, February 27th.

Katherine Johnson has died at 101. She was the real-life woman who was the inspiration for the movie Hidden Figures.

The 2020 Yuma Aeromodelers Airshow

Cadets return to Yuma Aeromodelers Airshow

The 2020 version of the Yuma Aeromodelers Airshow got off to a damp start on Saturday morning, February 22. A cold front was passing through the area just a couple of hours before the show was scheduled to begin. It was still dry when cadets arrived at the hangar at 0730 to load the van with gear they would need to help with parking and to provide the color guard for the event. The cadets have been a welcomed support for the airshow for a number of years now. The Yuma Aeromodelers have responded in kind by allowing CAP Squadron 508 to use Contreras Field for their spring rocket launches.

Cadets unloaded our van and set up tables after we arrived at the field. No sooner did we spread out in pairs to help with parking than the sky started spitting at us with cold water droplets.

It did not take long for puddles and mud to develop making the duty somewhat treacherous. Besides, very few spectators were arriving at that point compared to years past. Wet uniforms and a cool breeze from the south drove the cadets to take shelter under the corrugated iron-roofed structure at midfield. That’s where all the performers were congregating also.

Cellphones with weather apps were checking out weather radar sites to study the prospects for carrying on with the show. The quick-moving storm was moving off to the northeast so event organizers decided to go on with the show. The cadet color guard was called to duty to start off the event with presentation of colors and the traditional playing of both US and Canadian national anthems.
The cadets did a wonderful, professional job under difficult conditions.

There were few new arrivals and the parking lot was a mess so our cadets suspended parking assistance activities as they tried to dry out. Shortly, the sun came out and everyone felt cheerier. We stayed around to watch some of the early performances that included jet planes and a twin WWII fighter replica. Several cadets had other activities planned for the day and our numbers dropped by attrition. After a couple of more hours we loaded the van and returned to hangar hoping for better weather conditions next year.